! ! NCL parameter table text file ! Danish Meteorological Institute ! ! In accordance with: ! NCEP ! ! Ocean Parameters ! * = selected for output ! -1 : 94 : 0 : 128 33* : UGRD [m/s] u wind 34* : VGRD [m/s] v wind 40 : DZDT [m/s] Vertical speed 47 : DIRC [deg] Direction of current 48 : SPC [m/s] Speed of current 49* : UOGRD [m/s] u of current 50* : VOGRD [m/s] v of current 66 : SNOD [m] Snow depth 67 : MIXHT [m] Mixed layer depth 68 : TTHDP [m] Transient thermocline depth 69 : MTHD [m] Main thermocline depth 70 : MTHA [m] Main thermocline anomaly 80* : WTMP [K] Water temp. 82* : DSLM [m] Deviation of sea level from mean 85 : TSOIL [K] Soil temp. 88* : SALTY [kg/kg] Salinity 89 : DEN [kg/m^3] Density 91* : ICEC [fraction] Ice concentration (ice=1;no ice=0) 92* : ICETK [m] Ice thickness 93 : DICED [deg] Direction of ice drift 94 : SICED [m/s] Speed of ice drift 95 : UICE [m/s] u of ice drift 96 : VICE [m/s] v of ice drift