Wave model vs. buoy data
On-line validation
this page is updated every day
Dansk version

Wave/wind model forecast vs. buoy data
On-line validation, deterministic forecasts
(this page only in English)

Quick-and-dirty display of wave model output and buoy data - 4 days back in time, 5 days ahead. No data quality check.

All forecasts for a given station and wave parameter (5 days, 4 times a day) are merged onto the same plot

Significant wave height
Wind speed
Dominant wave period
Mean wave period
Mean wave direction
Wind direction

markers: observations
lines: forecasts, issued at 6 hour intervals
solid black line: hindcast+most recent forecast
off-colour graph: no observations at present

Significant wave height (m)

Dominant wave period (sec)

Mean wave period T02 (sec)

Mean wave direction (deg.T)

Wind speed (m/sec)

Wind direction (deg.T)

Jacob Woge Nielsen - 28 Mar 2025